Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I made fresh pasta and cut them into Pappardelle size. The prep is for a demo at the Atrium of the Lim Ket Kai Mall, Cagayan de Oro on July 14, 2007. A group of friends invited me to give a short talk on "Cooking for Two". I thought I'd make something interest to show the audience so I'm going to do 3 dishes.

On the menu: Tuscan Bread Salad, Pappardelle alla Pepolino and a dessert of Lavender Creme brulee. Pepolino is a wild variety of thyme found in Tuscany, but for this demo regular fresh thyme is just excellent. It's lemony and licorice. I got organic dried lavender flowers from a curio-shop at Seaside, Oregon to infuse the creme brulee. Nothing beats the real thing when you're cooking and baking. The smell of lavender is just incredibly soothing and very enticing. The rest of the prep will be done the day before the event.

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